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"I was fortunate enough to work with Dr Kruger for many years up until my recent retirement. He is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist of the top order who achieves excellent results. His intelligence, warmth and genuineness make him very popular with patients.

"Dr Kruger's facility of working with patients remotely using Skype has been particularly valuable. In the modern world, many people cannot make weekly face to face meetings with their psychologist. Skype allows Dr Kruger's patients to gain the benefit of regular sessions wherever they are in the world, even if they are travelling. While some people are initially sceptical about remote forms of therapy, these doubts tend to be quickly dispelled once sessions start and my patients have all reported very positively on the experience. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the main mode of treatment employed by Dr Kruger is widely accepted as the gold standard of talking treatments.

I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Kruger to anyone in need of a first rate Clinical Psychologist, whether for clinic-based or Skype-based treatment."                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                 - Dr Tim Cantopher BSc, MB, BS, FRCPsych

                                                                          Consultant Psychiatrist (retired) and Author, England, UK


"Dr Kruger is a skilled and highly-regarded clinician who excels at providing quality CBT. His Skype sessions work very well for a range of my patients, from students at their desks to globe-trotting executives and individuals in the aviation industry. Whatever the unique needs, I know that patients will be well looked after by Dr Kruger, and will acquire life-long skills and insights to help them stay well."

                                                                                                              - Dr Ian Drever, MB ChB, MRCPsych

                                                                                              Consultant Psychiatrist, Woking, England, UK

"When Dr Kruger advised me that he was moving back to South Africa and we would be able to continue with our sessions via Skype, I was extremely dubious that it would work.  However, I have to say, that it has worked brilliantly!  You really do settle into the medium and feel no different than if you were sat in the same room as each other and, of course, Dr Kruger's help and advice continues to be invaluable to me."

                                                                                                                    - Pam Warren, Reading, England

                                                                          Paddington Train Crash Survivor – ‘The Lady in the Mask’

"I found myself  at a very low period in my life living in Russia and not speaking the language sufficiently to be able to get help. Suffice to say that when I was offered the chance to do one-to-one sessions via Skype I didn't have to think twice. I thoroughly recommend it and am very happy that Dr Kruger was able to help me move through what was a very tough time." 

                                                                                                                        - James, St Petersburg, Russia

"Though I was unsure about Skyping for therapy at first it has been working well. The advantage is that being a foreigner in Paris and finding good quality therapy for OCD in English was a real challenge. I would recommend Dr Kruger's Skype therapy without hesitation." 

                                                                                                                     - Ralph, "A Brit in Paris", France

"Having severe anxiety has been an obstacle to attending appointments in person (even when my wife was with me). The use of Skype therapy sessions has changed  that. Talking on the phone is impersonal but seeing Dr Kruger is almost as good as being in the same room" 

                                                                                                           - Steve and Kathy, Bracknell, England

"I have had regular Skype therapy sessions with Dr Kruger for the past two years. They have and continue to be, an invaluable part of my journey back to well being" 

                                                                                                                                - Sharon, Moscow, Russia

"I am South African and enjoyed access to CBT in my mother tongue of Afrikaans using Skype with Dr Kruger while living in Manhattan, New York" 

                                                                                                                                     - Erica, New York, USA

"Although I live about 20 kilometers from Dr Kruger’s rooms I still prefer Skype sessions as I can have personal CBT treatment while at home in my study after hours" 

                                                                                                             - Lindsay, Stellenbosch, South Africa

"I never thought I could see a psychologist that specialised in CBT and depression in my remote area, living on a farm, Skype treatment with Dr Kruger made that possible" 

                                                                                                                     - Patrick, Limpopo, South Africa


Office hours:  By Appointment

Skype Name:                   drakrugersa

Tel:                 +27 73 450 6540

Tel:                 +44 1798 875 167



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